IT Network Security

Secured by design

Your data under lock and key

Network Access Control (NAC)

Automated tools 

Secure access to your ICT network for devices, users and guests

Armis Centrix
(IT/ OT/ IoT/ IMoT)

Cyber Security for IT, OT, IoT and IMoT
Managed and unmanaged

Next-Gen Firewall (NGFW)

Essential for your ICT-network

Barrier between your ICT network and the outside world

Security Event Manager

Affordable SIEM-solution

From log management to active response

IT Network Security: Protection against threats to your data

Procyon Networks IT specialists provide IT security solutions in every life-cycle status of your IT network. By conducting a network security scan we gain insight into the security status of your IT network and possible impact on your important application chains. Vulnerabilities are clearly indicated and solutions provided. Your employees can immediately start working on the recommendations.

IT security is your top priority. New threats are constantly being developed. It is and remains a weighing of risks and actions to reduce the risks. Security is an issue at every level in your IT network. Risks arise in a network that is not maintained, but changes also introduce risks.

IT Security requires continuous attention, not only in your network, but throughout your entire organization.

IT Security - At every level

Of course, your IT security is your top priority. New threats are constantly being developed. It is and remains a weighing of risks and actions to reduce the risks.

Security requires your attention at every level in your ICT network. Risks arise in an ICT network that is not maintained, but changes also introduce risks.

Security requires continuous attention, not only in your IT network, but in your entire organization.

What can the Procyon Networks' specialists do for you?

Examples of IT Security solutions:

Separate IT networks
Intrusion Prevention (IPS)
Security by Design

24/7 Monitoring